The fifth ingredient: initiating

Finally, my partner and I have found that it's helpful to decide who is in charge of initiating the session.

Even though we both are committed to it, and we both have it on our calendar, it's STILL useful to have an initiator!

The initiator will:

  • Remind their partner verbally about the session coming up, the day before
  • Work out a different start time in case you both need some flexibility
  • Start setting up the space so it's ready before the start time

I recommend that you rotate so that each week a different person is in charge of initiating.

If you're not the initiator, you also have a job! I recommend that the other person be in charge of timekeeping during the session. E.g., you're the one who sets the timer for each part of the practice.

What happens if the initiator forgets? That happens sometimes too, and you might feel annoyed if it does! If you realize the other person forgot to initiate, remind them to initiate as soon as you think of it. (Don't wait longer to see if they remember.)

Remember, the point is just to make sure the session happens and everyone is mentally prepared.

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