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Love Takes Practice
What this is about
Getting Started
Getting Started
The first ingredient: time
The second ingredient: space
The third ingredient: intent
The fourth ingredient: music
The fifth ingredient: initiating
What to wear?
The Practice
Overview of the practice
Part 1: Tune-in
Part 2: Share
Part 3: Explore
Part 4: Appreciations
What's next?
Intro to mirroring
Seated Mirror
Standing Mirror
Legs Mirror
A few thoughts about Mirroring!
The infinite variations of Mirroring
Intro to walking
Walking side-by-side
Trust Walk
Walking while facing each other
How about a walking date?
Intro to embracing
Embracing your partner's movement
Holding space while standing
Intro to figuring
Create a figure
Double your figure
Do it with roles - and switch them!
Make a variation
Tips about figuring
An infinite library of figures for you!
Making it your own
Why make it your own?
What you each loved
Design a more perfect ritual
Your tango ceremony
An invitation to tango
Tips about figuring
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